morgridge institute for research

taylor-bascom chair &
vilas distinguished
achievement professor

university of wisconsin-madison, life sciences communication

affiliate appointments
center for european studies; nelson institute for environmental studies; neuroscience & public policy program; robert f. and jean e. holtz center for science and technology studies

b.a. equiv., johannes gutenberg-
universität mainz
publizistik (nebenfächer:
politikwissenschaft, betriebswirtschaftslehre)

m.a., university of
journalism & mass communication

ph.d., university of
mass communications
(ph.d. minor in political science)


select monographs

dietram a. scheufele
[DEE-trum SHOY-full-uh]

short bio

Dietram A. Scheufele is the Taylor-Bascom Chair and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an Investigator in the Morgridge Institute for Research.

Scheufele's current research examines how algorithmically-curated information environments fundamentally reshape how we all make sense of the world around us. His most recent publications have included work on mis- and disinformation, open science, and the societal impacts of emerging technologies like AI and CRISPR.

He is an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the German National Academy of Science and Engineering, and the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters. Scheufele is also an elected fellow of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the International Communication Association, and a lifetime associate of the U.S. National Research Council.

Scheufele's teaching has been recognized with the Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award at UW, the Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Young Faculty Teaching Award, and the University of Wisconsin–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Spitzer Excellence in Teaching Award.

Over the course of his career, he has held professorships, fellowships, or visiting appointments at a number of other universities, including Cornell University, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, the Technische Universität Dresden, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, and - most recently - the Universität Wien.

His consulting portfolio includes work for DeepMind, Porter Novelli, PBS, WHO, and the World Bank.


Scheufele is author or co-author of over 300 articles and monographs, and one of the most widely-recognized experts globally across a variety of research areas, including misinformation, science communicationhealth communication, and science & technology policy. 

His research has been recognized with awards from both professional and scholarly organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the International Communication Association, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and the World Association for Public Opinion Research.

Extramural support for Scheufele's research program comes from a wide variety of public and private funders, including the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the John Templeton Foundation, Rita Allen Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Hopewell Fund, and the U.S. Department of Energy.


public scholarship and service

Scheufele currently chairs the Practice and Science of Civic Science Advisory Committee of the Rita Allen Foundation in Princeton, NJ. He also serves on the Kuratorium for the Klaus Tschira Stiftung (Heidelberg, Germany), the advisory board of SciLine (American Association for the Advancement of Science), and on the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s LabX Advisory Board and Board on Health Sciences Policy. Since 2012, he has co-organized five NASEM Colloquia on the Science (and Practice) of Science Communication.

At UW, Scheufele has served on most of the university's main governance bodies, including the University Committee (Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate), the Social Sciences Divisional Committee, the University Committee for Honorary Degrees (which he currently chairs), the Provost Search & Screen Committee (twice), the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee, and the UW-Madison Athletic Board.




contact information

University of Wisconsin–Madison
310 Hiram Smith Hall (map)
1545 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1215

(v) +1.608.262.1614
(f) +1.608.265.3042
scheufele at
dscheufele at

social media:
X (Twitter)


curriculum vitae

Complete CV in portable document format

For more information, see Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, or ORCID.


some of our lab's ongoing work on ai and its impacts on society ...

Eom, D., Newman, T., Brossard, D., & Scheufele, D. A. (2024). Societal guardrails for AI? Perspectives on what we know about public opinion on artificial intelligence. Science and Public Policy. doi:10.1093/scipol/scae041

Yang, S., Krause, N. M., Bao, L., Calice, M. N., Newman, T. P., Scheufele, D. A., Xenos, M. A., & Brossard, D. (forthcoming). In AI we trust: The interplay of media use, political ideology, and trust in shaping emerging AI attitudes. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. doi:10.1177/10776990231190868

Calice, M. N., Bao, L., Freiling, I., Howell, E., Xenos, M. A., Yang, S., Brossard, D., Newman, T. P., & Scheufele, D. A. (2023). Polarized platforms? How partisanship shapes perceptions of “algorithmic news bias.” New Media & Society, 25I(11), 2833-2854. doi:10.1177/14614448211034159

Bao, L., Krause, N. M., Calice, M. N., Scheufele, D. A., Wirz, C. D., Brossard, D., Newman, T. P., & Xenos, M. A. (2022). Whose AI? How different publics think about AI and its social impact. Computers in Human Behavior, 130, 107182. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2022.107182

... and on misinformation, polarization (some, during the COVID-19 pandemic)

Freiling, I., Krause, N. M., & Scheufele, D. A. (2023). The science and ethics of “curing” misinformation. AMA Journal of Ethics, 25(3), E228-237. doi:10.1001/amajethics.2023.228

Krause, N. M., Beets, B., Howell, E. L., Tosteson, H., & Scheufele, D. A. (2023). Collateral damage from debunking mRNA vaccine misinformation. Vaccine, 41(4), 922-929.

Krause, N. M., Freiling, I., & Scheufele, D. A. (2022). The “infodemic” infodemic: Toward a more nuanced understanding of truth-claims and the need for (not) combatting misinformation. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 700(1), 112-123.

Freiling, I., Krause, N. M., Scheufele, D. A., & Brossard, D. (2021). Believing and sharing misinformation, fact-checks, and accurate information on social media: The role of anxiety during COVID-19. New Media & Society, 14614448211011451.

Scheufele, D. A., Krause, N. M., & Freiling, I. (2021). Misinformed about the “infodemic?” Science’s ongoing struggle with misinformation. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 10(4), 522-526.

Scheufele, D. A., Krause, N. M., Freiling, I., & Brossard, D. (2020). How not to lose the COVID-19 communication war. Issues in Science and Technology, April 17.

Scheufele, D. A., & Krause, N. M. (2019). Science audiences, misinformation, and fake news. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(16), 7662-7669.


what else is new(ish)

Addressing inaccurate and misleading information about biological threats through scientific collaboration and communication in Southeast Asia; NASEM consensus study, co-chaired with Abhi Veerakumarasivam

How can science (communication) overcome its own silos and the distortions of algorithmically-curated information ecologies? Dominique Brossard's and my thoughts in Science magazine

The "infodemic" infodemic; what we're getting wrong about misinformation and science communication; short impulse talk for ALLEA Future of SciComm conference

Why science's search for public pathologies is unhealthy, unhelpful, and ultimately unscientific; an argument against interventionist science communication with Nicky Krause et al. in the American Scientist